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-Senior at Rosewood High

-Best friend to Alison Dilaurentis, Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, and Mona Vanderwaal (Pre-A).

-Romantically linked to Caleb Rivers, Detective Wilden, Wren Kingston and Random ass Travis

-Caught shoplifting by Rosewood PD

-Used to be fat before Alison disappeared, then transformed herself and became Ali's "replacement"

-Was caught burying the gun used to kill Detective Wilden

-Ditzy, uses words wrong all the time

-loyal friend

-Ran over and put into the hospital by her "best friend" Mona

-Was the only one Alison pulled out of the burning lake house

"It's all about the A-ness of things."

"You're gone and I'm SO over missing you!"

                             -Hanna to Alison

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