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"Will the circle be unbroken?





-Former nerd turned bad bitch

Mona Vanderwaal started off as a bullied girl just beginning high school. Tormented by Alison Dilaurentis and her gaggle of friends, Mona traded in the nerdy glasses and pigtails for Chanel scarves and revenge.

-The original -A who tortured Alison the summer she disappeared.

-Convinced and helped Ali to fake her own death and go into hiding for reasons unknown.

-Helped Ezra Fitz with his novel in exchange for immunity of her crimes as -A.

-Ran over her best friend, Hanna

-Tortured and blackmailed the Liars

-Admitted into Radley, yet had access to come and go as she pleased.

-Claims to not know who Uber A is

-Knew Alison was alive the entire time she was "missing".



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