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-Original Bad Bitch Liar

-Should be a senior at Rosewood High but hasn't attended school in years

-Was believed to be dead, foud buried alive in her own backyard

-Best friend to Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, and Hanna Marin

-Enemy of...the entire town of Rosewood and surrounding areas

-Blackmailed Byron Montgomery, Ian Thomas, her friends and more

-Romantically linked to Emily Fields, Ezra Fitz, Detective Wilden, Duncan the pilot and probably more

-Originated Lucas' nickname "Hermie", short for hermaphrodite

-Was buried alive by her mother

-A newly reformed total bitch

-Tormented by Mona Vanderwaal the summer she "died"

-A suspect

-Wearer of one of the Red Coats

"I know you wanna kiss me."

 Did you miss me?



Alison she a victim or villian? We've seen Ali in both the Red Coat saving Emily and Hanna's life and we've also seen her in a black hoodie saving Spencer by killing Ian. Are her motives really to protect the girls or is this all a part of her sick game? We've seen both the Read Coat and the black hoodie torture the liars. Are we 100% sure Ali wasn't behind it? Can we truly trust Alison Dilaurentis? After all, she IS a Pretty Little LIAR.


Vivian Darkbloom, an anagram of Vladimir Nabokov the author of Lolita, is the alias of Alison. With a brunette wig and signature Red Coat, she used this disguise to try to figure out who was stalking her and threatening her as -A (Mona). What role does Vivian play in all of this? Was she the orginal Red Coat trying to save the liars or just another intricate piece of the puzzle that is Alison Dilaurentis.

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